
How To Make Boring Moments Romantic

How To Make Boring Moments Romantic
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The first spark in a relationship is the best magic ever. At that stage, affection burns deep down. You can’t do without seeing the one you love. You planned all dates with perfection; your feelings are strongly attached. You do not want any hurt for your partner. But as time proceeds, after we already get too used to each other, we then start slacking off. We pay little attention, carrying the same boring activities repeatedly; then we began to yawn for those days that lifted up our souls. We crave once more those sparks we felt at the dawn of the relationship. We can always have them back whenever you want.

The truth is everyone has to experience boring moments in their life at some point. This might be due to you repeating the same routine over and over again and then we start being nonsensical. For example, I was in a cozy relationship some years back. My girlfriend then, who later became my fiancée, was not the type of person who loved boring moments at all, she wanted fun and happy moments. She always wanted us to travel, explore, practice different things. So this is what I usually do every month; we both will choose a place we wish to travel, sometimes we go out camping, we really enjoy great splendor, with that I detected that our relationship developed into a responsible adult relationship—all these help me and my fiancée to drift boring moments away. Sincerely speaking, it is difficult for us to experience the feelings you felt at the beginning of the relationship. If not we would have died of an adrenaline overdose.

You get used to each other and then take each other for granted. And very often this turns into a constant sliding down of your relationship into a boring state of just staying together, though you people remain in love the zeal is fading—losing all drive for each other just because you are so used to one another. The truth is even if we spent too much time planning our fun, travel, and dates, at some point you will want to have a life free from all that stuff. We are humans and we are designed in such a way that too much of something will cause a decline effect on us.

Now, you have the chance to reawaken the dwindled or lost passion, ignite it to a romantic moment. We have organized for you some tips that we trust will help you make boring moments romantic and memorable.


Always listen to one another

At times the best you could do for your spouse is to listen to their pains, love, fantasy, and fear. A bond will be created, they will lean towards you all their heartfelt. For no reason should you make jest of them when you listen! With that, you create a strong emotional trust.

Boring Moments Romantic


Do things both of you want to do

There must be something that both of you really love to do. Is it playing games or exploring, amongst others? There must have been something you both wanted to do but circumstances have impeded it from manifesting. So it is an opportunity for you both to do things you wanted to.


Create a moment of passion

This differs from adventures; to create a moment of passion is not something you do in a grandiose way. A little heartfelt discussion, looking into his or her eyes, holding your partner’s hands in such a way that you hear what their mind is whispering. You might tell your partner “I love you” countless times, but there is a way you say it that will send love down their spine, a fresh smile will appear around their lips.



The mind and the eyes are windows of love

There is something wonderful about our eyes, ears, and minds. They work perfectly well with one another. The eyes and the ears are the windows or the keys to our minds. What we hear, see, and touch is what creates a forever memory in our heart. Try it today.


Speak to the left eye

Eyes play an important role in our existence. Apart from the general function the eyes serve, they are endowed to open the windows to our souls. The left eye itself has this wonderful function but most times we do neglect them focusing much on the right eye; in order to speak to your partner’s heart you should focus more on the left eye, it has a way of connecting souls together. The reason being is that you are simulating a unique part of their brain. Looking at them softly in the eyes and saying “I love you” is the most intimate thing you can do with your partner. Don’t hesitate to try it out today.

Boring Moments Romantic


Try to share wonderful erotic dreams

You should take note that sex is one of the most crucial parts of a healthy relationship, do not give room for boredom to take the crucial part of your relationship away. You can recall the way you felt when your partner first touched you; you both had fantasies and you made great moments. Remember, sex is like a game you need to play well; for procreation and the wonderful fun of it. Although, sex is not necessarily the factor to reawaken love moments. You will make good partners when you talk about it regularly, how you want it, and others. Just open your mind to it.


Always laugh

This is very crucial, laughter is one of the best medicines you can ever get in the whole universe. To strengthen your bond with people it is believed that laughter is the key. Watch comedy movies with your partner, don’t prove to be too rigid, as almost everyone wants someone who is free with them, someone who can pull their ears and start laughing happily, endlessly.



Perfect your touching

This moves well with the erotica experience. Touching has different phases, some persons love it when they are touched on the neck. I have dated a girl some years back, she told me that she gets “turned on” if a guy touches the nape of her neck. That was good for us because we were able to communicate with each other perfectly. Always talk about it, learn from them how they feel when touched. Explore each other’s sensitive regions. Hugging, rubbing hands, all these send different signals to the human body. Learn to speak out your feelings.


Every moment should count

Always remember that our days on Earth are short. Do not take any for granted; script your fairy tale with a happy ending. There are so many years you can share with them. Every breath of our life should count. This shouldn’t make you feel bad, it is for you to appreciate the time and see how precious life is. Celebrate this moment with your dear ones. Take the gift of life, love, and happiness and rejoice in it. That’s where passion originates from. Value every moment with your partner.


You might need a break to eliminate boring moments

How To Make Boring Moments Romantic

This is based on my subjective account. It happened that I discovered my productivity dropped at work; every activity I handled is not perfectly done. So I took a four-day break—I went to my hometown, where I met lots of old friends, I spent time at the seashore and took lots of photography. On my return, I worked with full effort and am doing perfectly well now.


Watch movies together

Technological advancement made it easy for us to watch whatever we like on our phone. You can see wonderful movies in the interest of both partners; what entices them, seeing a romantic movie will draw both of you together.


Do something different

First, walk into a flower store, get your partner two or more roses, pick one of them, pull off the petals, and sprinkle them on the floor leading to the bedroom (use it to form a road path) and place lots of petals on the bed. Walk them down the path you set; they will forever love and appreciate that memory.


Create time for a vacation

Securing a decent hotel in your city, call your partner to come over, a weekend “away” might be the answer to all these. This will allow you to share new experiences together. You can also try the wonderful things the city has in store for you.


Never forget to ask

I told you in the early part of this article that communication is very good in every relationship you are in. You might have tried all you can but you discovered that your moments with your partner are still boring—they might be suffering from internal dissatisfaction. So, the best you can do is to ask. Never forget to ask.

This piece has opened our minds to possible ways to make boring moments romantic. We shouldn’t leave our previous romantic relationship dwindling in boring moments. We also appreciate the fact that consistency is the key to every sustainable relationship. Note “Love is what is left after falling in love fades away.” Always be the right person in the right relationship, having enough fun that ushers you great satisfaction.


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